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Syracuse Community Fridge battles food insecurity with free options
Lis Webber founded Syracuse Community Fridge to combat food insecurity in the city. It's set to open its doors at All Saints Church in March. Read more »

Opinion: Elon Musk’s libertarian agenda targets each U.S. resident’s data
This especially holds threatening weight for younger generations — including Generation Z — who’ve grown up surrounded by technology at home and in school, never knowing a world without it. Read more »

Daniella Guyette provides stability in early action as SU's starter
Following Delaney Sweitzer's transfer to Northwestern, Daniella Guyette took over in net. Guyette's so far brought consistency in net to the Orange. Read more »
Why blame Obama for Race Riots?
The Obama/Holder/Sharpton Social Justice Warriors used trained activists in Ferguson to empower the political meme: rise up against your local police, and burn something. That Democrat political street theater was also produced on most university campi by university Democrat Social Justice Warriors. Now that intentional meme: “Rise up against your local police” has been embraced by the Black Youth Culture and it will be a long hot summer, and Obama and the Democrats will be encouraging the poor to rise up against their local police all over the nation every day.
So, do we blame Obama and the Democrats for encouraging riots, or Republicans for limiting spending on poverty programs to only $22 Trillion?
Too bad Obama et al is not encouraging black youths to ‘rise up’ in self-reliance, education, stay out of trouble, avoid welfare, get a job (ANY job), work hard, act mature, save your money, stop having babies, and stop the victimhood.
Instead it’s… cops are bad, your status in life is not your fault, and more gov’t money-programs is the answer.