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Q & A with Marcus Sales

Marcus Sales has taken over as Syracuse’s new No. 1 receiver since Mike Williams quit the team earlier this month. Sales grew up in Syracuse and played at Christian Brothers Academy, before signing with the Orange.

Sales has shown improvement this season, catching 18 balls for 191 yards and three touchdowns. He sat down with The Daily Orange recently to discuss his love for basketball, the decision to go to Syracuse and his favorite football receiver.

What would people be shocked to know about you?

That I love to play basketball. Basketball is my first love and when I was growing up I always thought I would be playing basketball until my senior year in high school and that’s when I chose to play football. I led my team in scoring my sophomore, junior and senior year. I was getting looked at by a lot of small I-AA schools but I told all the basketball schools I really didn’t want to play basketball in college so they shouldn’t’ waste their time.

Anyone on the basketball team that you play with right now?

I played against Brandon Triche in high school. We beat them my senior year but my junior year they beat us. I think he had 29 and I think I had 25. We didn’t guard each other.

Do you play ball with any of the guys here?

We always go around to Archbold and we play around all the time. Me, Cam and a few other people. We just have fun.

Are you the best basketball player on the team?

I don’t know, there are a lot of other guys on the team, it’s more of a physical game when we play and there are no referees. Cam is pretty good, Doug Hogue is pretty good, those are the guys I can think of off the top of my head.

Who’s the worst player on the team?

I don’t know, I can’t really tell you that. It’s funny to see Nick Speller play.

Did you ever think of going anywhere else, being from Syracuse?

My senior year it came down to North Carolina, Pittsburgh and Syracuse and I just felt more comfortable staying at home and I really don’t regret it all because I get to see my family all the time and I’m playing in the Big East so there’s nothing I regret. I go home like every weekend after the games.

Do you ever look at the success Pittsburgh and North Carolina are having and say I could have gone there?

Not really. I stick with my decision.

What’s it like to have played Pittsburgh twice now?

It’s kind of different because I know a lot of the players that play for them, and I know the whole coaching staff so it’s kind of awkward. I was real close to committing to Pittsburgh so it’s real awkward.

Any players you still talk to you that you graduated with from CBA?

I stay in touch with Mike Paulus all the time and we talk back and forth, and I stay in touch with a lot of other kids that played high school football.

How do Mike and Greg compare?

Mike is a little bit taller than Greg, so that’s a big difference. They both do different things. They’re both funny and joke around a lot and Mike is real funny. Greg is more of the laid-back type, but he’s funny.

What’s the last CD you bought?

Probably Jay-Z’s ‘The Blueprint 3.’ I think it’s the best album out right now. I bought ‘The Blueprint’ and the ‘The Blueprint 2’ also.

Five people for a dinner date: who and why?

Michael Jordan, because he claims to be the best basketball player of all time. Randy Moss because he’s my favorite player. Probably my parents, because they inspire me a lot. Probably some of my friends, because they basically inspire me too and they support me all the time. The last person would be Tom Brady because he’s one of the best quarterbacks with Peyton Manning.

Why is Randy Moss your favorite receiver?

He’s just a playmaker, you never know when he is going to make a play. Like the other night against the Colts, he made a spectacular catch and that was crazy.

Did you agree with the 4th quarter decision to go for it from your own 28 by Bill Belichick?

I didn’t agree with it. I would let the game be my defense’s hands. They had been stopping him a couple times so I would let the defense work and try to make them drive the whole field.

Growing up was Syracuse your favorite team?

I liked North Carolina. I liked Vince Carter when he was down there in North Carolina.

What’s your favorite professional sports team?

Probably the Minnesota Vikings. I liked when they had Randy Moss back there and I don’t want to really switch my team since he left.

So are you rooting for a New England versus Minnesota Super Bowl?

Yeah, I hope so.

– Compiled by staff writer Matt Ehalt

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